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Our Services

About My Services:

Spiritual Guidance vs. Coaching:


Spiritual guidance sessions are great for those who are seeking answers to specific questions about their path, their purpose, their life; answers from their guardian angels, a loved one, a spirit guide, or just their higher self. Spiritual guidance sessions are also great for those who are in the beginning stages of their awakening journey, seeking guidance from ancestors and spirit team. Spiritual guidance can include mediumship, divination, and simply channeling and reading energy. While we may pick up on energetic disturbances in these session, this service does not include healing of the energy I read or entities I may pick up on, and will also not include coaching you through those challenges. The spiritual guidance in these sessions will be coming from your guides and higher self. 


Coaching sessions include everything that you would get in a spiritual guidance session as well as my expertise in the field. My coaching tools include integrative wellness and holistic health coaching (read my bio for more info) as well as coaching you through any gifts you are developing, soul purpose guidance. Depending on what you are seeking, these sessions can come with an action plan or homework. I have a package deal for clients who are seeking more of a long-term plan with their healing process. 


Coaching vs. Coaching with Energy Healing:


While we may pick up on energetic disturbances in your energy field, blocked chakras, or ancestral challenges during a coaching session, you will need to book a coaching and energy healing session in order to energetically clear these disturbances. 


Coaching + Energy Healing Sessions; as well as soul journeys, ancestral healings and entity clearing sessions are all the same price. Should there be a discrepancy with what you booked and what you need, we can adjust accordingly in the session. 


Entity Clearing:


An entity, by definition, is a thing with distinct and independent existence. Entities are not spirits nor are they apparitions like demons, succubi, or inccubi. Entities are more like thought patterns that are driven by energetic connections between two or more interpersonal dynamics. Entities can be similar to attachment wounds, in that they tie us to toxic situations and desires. They become apparent to us when we have healed a certain aspect of ourselves, but yet the same pattern continues to arise, almost in an ominous rotation. Often entity attachments become apparent as we consciously expand, creating a split in the third eye that can lead to psychosis, excessive dissociation, instability in decision-making, a sense of inferiority and loss of self, and more. 


Entity attachments may take more than one session to fully clear as they can be tied to and knotted up within a multitude of cords, like emotional cords, addiction, ancestral curses, baneful magic, and more. They can sometimes take a few sessions to fully unpack and clear, in which case I offer a package deal of 3 sessions for a lower price. 


Soul journeys, ancestral healings and entity clearing sessions are all the same price. Should there be a discrepancy with what you booked and what you need, we can adjust accordingly in the session. 


Ancestral Healing:


Ancestral work takes our healing journey to a deeper level. It expands our awareness of our traumas and the patterns that may have aided in or inadvertently led to their occurrence. (For example: A common pattern is a history of abuse passed down the masculine side of a family line, leading to feminine submission and domestic violence. Domestic violence can cause PTSD. Addiction can become a maladaptive coping mechanism for PTSD or C-PTSD from the abuse.) Ancestral healing is a gateway into understanding the deeper stories and inner workings, not only of the trauma patterns, but also the energetic patterns that result from those trauma patterns. Those energetic patterns can cause complications in our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. 


Ancestral healing is also a necessary step in our development of psychic gifts and unraveling ancestral wisdom and spiritual inheritance. There are many complications and challenges that can arise as we energetically expand that can cause tension and restriction in our biofield. Energetic complications can look like glitches in tech, interference with things like wifi and phone signals. They can even look like actual blockages to our manifestations, like devastation to our financial well-being and even our health. Ancestral blockages like these can sometimes look like baneful magic (and could possibly be tied to that if you are in direct communication or competition with other occult practitioners), however it is more often a result of what some call, ancestral curses. 


Soul Journeys, ancestral healings and entity clearing sessions are all the same price. Should there be a discrepancy with what you booked and what you need, we can adjust accordingly in the session. 


Soul Journey:


One of the main purposes of soul journeying is revelation. Simply put, when scientific and wellness practices no longer yield results or answer questions, we must lift back that veil to the unseen realms and dive deeper into consciousness. These experiences can be memories buried in our subconscious or information encoded in our DNA from our bloodline and ancestors that came before us. And sometimes, these experiences can be soul level. 


Soul level experiences are connected to the kundalini energy at the base of the spine. It is said that this energy holds light coding that dates back to the beginning of time. The memories and information in the kundalini are powerful but also challenging to not only access, but process once we do. The Kundalini is very delicate and should never be forced to awaken or to release energy and memories. The Kundalini has a mind of its own and will naturally awaken when it is ready. Likewise, it will release memories as it rises and falls through the energy channels; rising to awaken and falling as it releases dense energy that is no longer needed (beliefs, thought patterns, habits, emotions, and memories that are no longer supporting the new frequencies of our biofield). 


Regardless of the type of memories, a soul journey will help you recall memories and explore experiences that help you fill in blanks, answer questions and break chains where previously they were blocked. Soul journeying is especially helpful to those who are on a spiritual awakening journey or soul purpose journey, seeking answers to their healing, guidance from their ancestors, and/or guidance from their soul, but can be equally helpful to those on a trauma healing journey. 


Soul Journeys can help with:


Depression and feelings of emptiness, apathy, lethargy

Heartbreak and grief - breakups, divorce, estrangement and death


Stubborn blocks in our chakras

Ancestral and soul level curses 


Soul Journeys, ancestral healings and entity clearing sessions are all the same price. Should there be a discrepancy with what you booked and what you need, we can adjust accordingly in the session. 


Reiki + Light Language Transmission:


A general energy healing session includes a variety of energy healing modalities, however reiki is the most commonly known, so let’s start there. I am professionally attuned to Usui Reiki, with a certification in levels I + II. However, my Kundalini was spontaneously activated during my reiki attunement in 2021, sparking a very unique path of soul journies. This has opened me up to higher levels of attunement, allowing me to expand my energy healing abilities well beyond that reiki I + II certification. 


Reiki is an energy healing modality using ki, qi, chi, prana, or vital life force energy that moves through the chakra system, the main energy centers in the body. Not everyone’s chakra centers are open and active. In fact, many people have relatively inactive chakra centers, especially in the upper chakras, like the third eye and crown, which connect us to the unseen. In fact, our connection to the astral plane, the nonphysical realm that reaches beyond the emotional and causal planes, begins at the heart chakra. Reiki can spark a journey to higher levels of awakening and many clients seek this kind of healing, discussed below. However, your energy field will determine what is best for you and will communicate that with me, as the channeler of this life force energy. 


Light code transmissions or activations create a more expansive level of healing as light codes originate in the Kundalini at the base of the spine. However, your energy field is much like a computer system, encoded with information, or light codes. And just as the chakra centers require maintenance; clearing, cleansing and often activating, so too does the DNA coding in your spinal cord, biofield, and more specialized chakras, like the ones on your fingers, toes and outer layers of your energy field. 


Diane Stein says, in her book Essential Reiki: The Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art, “‘Light’ or Ki or information, was once twelve-stranded where now it is only a double helix strand. In the nature of human evolution today, we are learning to tap into the coded information (Ki) and to reconnect with what we have lost…I believe Reiki to be a vital part of that reconnection process.” The DNA in your spinal cord is built of light-encoded filaments which exist outside of your body in your biofield as well. These filaments carry the sacred language of light geometry, which hold memories and stories of who you are, on a level that spans past this lifetime, hence, soul level activations and memories. 



If you have any further questions or concerns about my services and what they include, please feel free to email me at

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