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Psychosomatic Healer, Trance Medium + Alchemist

Who am I?

A psychosomatic energy healer, trance medium and energetics educator. I am also an IWA Integrative and Holistic Wellness Certified Life Coach and Reiki I + II Certified Energy Healer with a Clinical Psychology, B.S. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


I have spent the majority of my life in search of my authentic self as I sifted through various forms of abuse and generational traumas. The many roads I have walked all merged around the time of my Saturn Return, an explosive cataclysmic unfolding of events. I have studied and trained in various forms of occultism, gnosticism, and healing practices ever since. I am an ever-expanding, ever-evolving adventurer and wisdom seeker. My true forte is teaching and coaching clients through their own awakening and self-empowerment journeys. Read more about my gifts and abilities below. 


What is a Psychosomatic Healer?  


As a psychosomatic healer, I am able to psychically and energetically tap into your consciousness and assist you in the process of working through imbalances; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. I use a multitude of psychic gifts and clairs to assist in my work. I am also a medium of the higher realms, working with archangels and deities, as well as the spirit realm, working with spirits of passed over ancestors and loved ones. 


Life force energy, also known as chi, qi, ki, and prana, exist and move through our energy field and connects us to higher states of consciousness. As an energy healer, I use my connection to these higher states of consciousness to channel this energy for the purpose of energy healing and delivering messages from higher realms. 


Everything is energy and where energy gets trapped within your mind, body, and energetic field it creates blockages that manifest as physical ailments and challenges in your reality. If energy is blocked, it can create illusions, incongruences and disconnect between our mental health and higher states of consciousness in our biofield; essentially, a blockage to our higher self. For more information about the services I provide and how they work, check the About My Services Page.


It is my mission to help each client unlock the hidden potential within themselves. I assist you in the process of learning how to transmute and alchemize energies that keep you blocked and mentally trapped. I teach you how to hold yourself through emotional purging and clearing work. I guide you through the maze of spiritual growth and mindset shifts. And I use my health coaching experience to assist you in obtaining a healthier lifestyle that fits your needs and priorities. 


 Each and every person has the gift of self-healing through connecting with the elements internally and externally. It is my goal to provide you with the mindset tools needed to adopt the practices that work for you and to offer a safe space and the energetic facilitation to meet these deeper parts of yourself.


What is an alchemist?  


In ancient times, alchemy was the building blocks of chemistry; a science of the elements. In modern day, the term alchemist is used (and also misused) in a multitude of ways. However, alchemist typically denotes someone who works with the elements to transform or improve something. I use alchemy to transcend traditional psychology and holistic health practices using a deep understanding of the elements.


My alchemical practice has come from soul journeying as a part of my Kundalini awakening and study of my ancestral and soul history. I incorporate the study of reflexology, Chinese medicine, gnosticism, Jungian Psychology and other sacred practices and lessons into my own daily practice and client work. 


Are you ready to start working?


I invite you to join and/or expand your spiritual journey when you are ready and feel called. For your reference, I have personally trained to heal from and overcome my own experiences of various types of abuse, grief, addiction, homelessness, social challenges and struggles with neuro-divergency. I also have 5+ years of study and practice within the field of divination and spiritual practices, alongside 12+ years of study and practice within holistic health and psychology. 


While the healing work can be long, arduous, and maddening, the magic lies within the journey. This journey will empower, challenge, and renew you. If you are ready to step onto the path of self-discovery to unlocking a new way of life, a new level of peace and happiness, and the treasures that lie dormant within YOUR soul, join me and the Mind Geek Community today!



Channeled Messages

Mediumship, channeled messages and divination can offer insight into life challenges, energetic blockages, and soul lessons. I offer zoom calls at 30 or 60 minute increments. 


Soul Coaching

As a soul coach, I combine applied psychology, holistic mind-body wellness and my intuitive gifts to coach you toward balance in all areas of your life. I offer coaching with or without energy healing, as well as astrology birth chart coaching.

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Healing Services

Energy healing works alongside any conscious reprogramming work that you are doing to assist in clearing blocked energies in the mind, body and auric field. I offer a variety of healing services.  


"The key to success is to start before you are ready."

Marie Forleo


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